One ruler to errr rule them all!


Alex has just announced his Kickstarter for this ruler, and I heartily suggest you head over and get one.

Everybody wants to rule(r) the world!

At high school I had a swanky Helix 30cm ruler that folded in half, I thought it was the height of cool! Yeah I was that kind of kid that had a pen in my shirt pocket, I've been a geek / nerd all my life :D

With the rise of the Raspberry Pi, my ruler collection has diminished somewhat. I'm now down to stealing freebies from trade stands, my latest is from Ratheon and I liberated it last Saturday.

Serial Kickstarter king, Alex Eames, of RasPi.TV fame, has created a number of products to help Raspberry Pi users get the most from their Raspberry Pi but his most iconic was a simple 15cm / 6 inch ruler that came out in 2015.

This ruler could be used to draw a line, learn something new from the Python RPi.GPIO library, and be placed on top of the Raspberry Pi GPIO as a guide to the many pins that can be used in electronics projects.

But for 2016 Alex needed to go big, so he has created a new bigger 30cm / 12 inch ruler that offers the same drawing features and GPIO reference..but now it has a GPIO Zero reference guide printed on it.

If you don't already know, GPIO Zero is a really simple Python library that enables anyone to build a simple electronics project and control it with Python.

There are times when you are coding that you need a little reassurance / reference, well this ruler is a great source for both!

Alex very kindly sent me a prototype ruler, I was mightily impressed that it survived a trip through the Royal Mail. The ruler is a great reference for GPIO Zero and the GPIO.

Alex has just announced his Kickstarter for this ruler, and I heartily suggest you head over and get one.