tuesdaytooling Tuesday Tooling: ray.so Need to include a code snippet in a document or poster? Want it to look nice? You might want to try this.
python From Faker to Maker - My journey in learning to code My experiences learning to code and helping others to code...
microbit BBC micro:bit - Gesture controlled blinking lights I've been tinkering with the new BBC micro:bit computer, especially the Micro Python editor Mu. I love how flexible the board is, especially for getting down to hacking in very little time.
python Trinket - Hacking Python in the browser Hacking Python in the browser! At a recent Code Club regional meeting I learnt of a very handy way of writing Python in the browser. Trinket.io is a browser based Python editor
hacking CodeBug - First steps I love the CodeBug, it is so accessible to children but yet it provides a platform for more advanced hacking. I was lucky to receive my CodeBug in person from Andrew Robinson and
school Coding Your School Play - In Scratch 2 and Sonic Pi Scratch is a great introduction to computing. It uses a simple interface based on attaching blocks together to form a sequence. Scratch can be used on all manner of projects, from simple games