fridayfun Friday Fun: Cheap soldering irons I take two CHEAP soldering irons through their paces so you don't have to! Well unless you really want to.
fridayfun Friday Fun: Being a complete Hidiot! All it took was to tidy my desk... Back in December 2017 RawHex sent me a Hidiot kit, as they knew of my love for the ATtiny85. (Sorry about the delay RawHex...) All
kits All the gear...and lots of ideas! In mid 2017 I was posed a unique challenge "Would you be interested in creating a Raspberry Pi Zero W based kit?" Obviously I jumped at the chance and here it
friday fun Pirate Radio For Friday Fun this week I sat down with another of Pimoroni's Pi Zero W powered project kits. This kit was won in a competition on Pimoroni's Bilge Tank Youtube channel, but as
Raspberry Pi I'm in the mood...for hacking Blinkies...everywhere! You may have noticed, but there was another Raspberry Pi released the other day. Yes we now have the new Pi Zero W, the W stands for Wireless, obvs! So now