microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - Wemos W600 Pico A smaller board for IoT projects! It comes pre-loaded with MicroPython and we can build Internet connected things with it...or flash an LED!
microcontroller Microcontroller Monday - Read and Write to an SD card with Arduino Learn how to use an SD card reader with your Arduino. It isn't as difficult as you may think!
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - Vanguard Need an easy to use tool to flash MicroPython / CircuitPython/Lua onto a board? Read on!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Wemos D1 Mini & MicroPython Learn how to use MicroPython on a $2 board...oh and blink LEDs!
hacking Micro Python Python is my favourite language and it has been my favourite for around three years. Why? Well because I understand it and I can use it to make different projects. I also enjoy