circuitpython Microcontroller Monday - Serpente It looks like an ATTINY85 but no, this is a lot more board for your money. Oh and it runs CircuitPython
fridayfun Friday Fun - ATtiny85 £10 Robot Challenge! In this blog post we build a robot for as cheap as possible!
fridayfun Friday Fun - Neopixel Cinema Sign Using a cheap micro controller and some NeoPixel LEDs we can make our own rainbow animated cinema sign!
fridayfun Friday Fun - Neopixel Camera Light Create colourful and artistically lit photos with < £10 of equipment and a little code.
fridayfun Friday Fun: Being a complete Hidiot! All it took was to tidy my desk... Back in December 2017 RawHex sent me a Hidiot kit, as they knew of my love for the ATtiny85. (Sorry about the delay RawHex...) All
tuesdaytooling Tuesday Tooling: Teeny Tiny ATtiny85 A hardware themed Tuesday Tooling this week! So what is it? A tiny microcontroller that is compatible with the Arduino IDE. It comes in many different forms, some connect via micro USB, some