tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Ampy Write code to your ESP8266, ESP32 and other MicroPython / CircuitPython boards with this little command line tool!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Wemos D1 Mini & MicroPython Learn how to use MicroPython on a $2 board...oh and blink LEDs!
fridayfun Friday Fun - Adafruit Chainsaw Scare more candy while trick or treating by making your own chainsaw...
fridayfun Friday Fun - Four Python Projects Four free projects for you to try out with your Raspberry Pi and micro:bit
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Easy micro:bit Serial Connection I've covered serial connections quite a lot recently, from micro:bit to laptop, Raspberry Pi, Adafruit Gemma M0. But each time I use my boiler plate serial listener code. It's clunky but it
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - Scroll:Bit This week I would open with a meme such as "They see me scrollin' they hatin'" but that would ultimately lead to me travelling back in time to 2006 when that
micro python Friday Fun: Adafruit Gemma M0 and Neopixels Friday Fun has been away for three months! Have I been sat around watching TV? Yes....I mean no, I've been busy with work. But I'm back and this time its a personal
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - Kitronik Motor Driver Board Another Monday...another cool micro:bit add on, and this week we have the Kitronik Motor Driver Board...from errr Kitronik Robots are cool... There I said it! But did you know how
microbit Friday Fun: Radio Controlled micro:bit Pumpkin 🎃 It's nearly Halloween! The night when creatures of pure evil roam the land, seeking their next victim! No brains were harmed...or found during the creation of this photo So... How can we
microbit Friday Fun: Sending Serial Data From micro:bit to laptop Cereal Killer If you haven't seen Hackers yet, then rectify that ASAP. ^^^ Yes this is "Cereal Killer" aka the dude who plays Shaggy in Scooby Doo...jinkies! Serial, no not the
friday fun Using a TMP36 sensor with micro:bit Every maker has their favourite sensor, board, component. For me the humble L298N is my motor controller of choice, the DS18B20 for temperature sensing, and IR obstacle sensor for simple input. But recently
microbit micro:bit Infrared Timing Gate In early March 2017 I, along with local hacker Dave Gallop were asked by St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School to come along and help them build some supersonic race cars for the