microbit monday Monday micro:bit: Micro:bit X Raspberry Pi I spent $13 on this, so you don't have to.
microbit monday micro:bit Monday: Valenta Off-Roader Build yourself a tiny micro:bit controlled robot car with this fun little kit. I got early access to a prototype kit for this review!
microbit monday Micro:bit Monday: Servo:bit Connect up to 16 servos and control them from your micro:bit!
microbit monday Micro:bit Monday: M.A.R.S Rover Meet R0g3r my new robot who is very curious. He even tried to drive into a cardboard box while exploring my office.
book Micro:bit Monday - micro:bit for Mad Scientists review A good book can spark the fire of imagination.
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday: Pinbetween Reuse through hole electronic components with your micro:bit for just £6!
microbit monday Christmas Noise! Ho Ho Ho, Santa, Snowman and a Christmas Tree are here to light up your Christmas...oh and they play music!
microbit micro:bit Monday - bread:bit Got lots of electronic components for your Pi / Arduino and want to use them with your micro:bit? Then you need this.
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - enviro:bit Do you like science? Do you like sensors? Do you like clapping?...well enviro:bit is for you!
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - Scroll:Bit This week I would open with a meme such as "They see me scrollin' they hatin'" but that would ultimately lead to me travelling back in time to 2006 when that
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - pin:bit This time we head over to Sheffield-on-the-sea to learn about a new product from the Pirates at Pimoroni So what is it? pin:bit is a micro:bit to breadboard breakout board. So
microbit monday micro:bit Monday - Kitronik Motor Driver Board Another Monday...another cool micro:bit add on, and this week we have the Kitronik Motor Driver Board...from errr Kitronik Robots are cool... There I said it! But did you know how
microbit micro:bit Monday - zbit:toolbelt Welcome to Monday, new week, spring is here and I thought that I would try out something new. So micro:bit Monday, a semi regular series where I look at an add on,