tuesdaytooling Tuesday Tooling: PinePower Desktop PSU A robust, easy to use, multi-voltage power supply that doesn't eat all of my desk!
fridayfun Friday Fun: Making an LED blink...with a Commodore 64 Make an LED blink using a Commodore 64! Yes this is 2020, and yes I am doing this for fun, with a little bit of learning too!
fridayfun Friday Fun: Cardboard Circuit Build a working circuit with cardboard, slug tape and some light up parrots!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Component Tester Can't tell a 220Ω resistor from a 330Ω one? Got a weird transistor and can't determine if it is NPN or PNP? Fear not we have what you are looking for!
fridayfun Friday Fun - Star Trek Desk Lights Control the real world from a Python powered web app...oh and make all the lights flash like you are on the bridge of the USS Enterprise...but no exploding consoles!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Bear Grylls Poundland Buck Converter Need a DC to DC step down converter but your nearest electronics shop is miles away? No worries you can find something in Poundland
pounderland #Pounderland Bike Light Hack Turn a bike light into a controller for a string of LEDs, all for less than £3!
friday fun Friday Fun - Look No Code! You don't need a Raspberry Pi or Arduino for this project, but you can still dabble with electronics.
poundland Poundland Surprises! Need a LiPo battery and boost converter? Got £1? Then go to Poundland and give this a go.
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - #pounderland special Take apart a Poundland amplifier / speaker...it only costs a quid...honest!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Wago! Safe, reliable connectors for all manner of projects...Oh and they are cheap!
kits All the gear...and lots of ideas! In mid 2017 I was posed a unique challenge "Would you be interested in creating a Raspberry Pi Zero W based kit?" Obviously I jumped at the chance and here it
electronics Friday Fun: DIY MP3 Player The finished project, ok there are still a few things to do, but it is ready for its debut How cheap can an MP3 player be? What if I said £1-2...would you
microbit micro:bit Infrared Timing Gate In early March 2017 I, along with local hacker Dave Gallop were asked by St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School to come along and help them build some supersonic race cars for the
friday fun Using Hot Wires / Snap Circuits with Raspberry Pi It's Friday!! Time for some fun! Hot Wires / Snap Circuits are simple circuit building blocks that are used to teach electronics to small children. They use press studs, similar to those used on
Raspberry Pi Museum in the making On August 28 and 29 I was part of the team showcasing the best of Blackpool’s history for an upcoming Blackpool Museum. The event was called “Museum in the making” and merged
Raspberry Pi Using Raspberry Pi in museums Blackpool has a long history of entertainment with many big names coming to Blackpool during it's "Golden Age". I was recently asked by Blackpool Council to provide a Raspberry Pi workshop