microbit monday Micro:bit Monday: M.A.R.S Rover Meet R0g3r my new robot who is very curious. He even tried to drive into a cardboard box while exploring my office.
book Micro:bit Monday - micro:bit for Mad Scientists review A good book can spark the fire of imagination.
neopixel Christmas Neopixel Hack 2019! Turn a boring Poundland / Dollarstore Christmas star into an IoT colour changing star! All we need is a little time and some code!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday: MQTT PDQ Want to send messages across the world to multiple devices? Well MQTT is what you need
quick hack Quick Hack - Sending messages using BASH A quick hack to send messages from one PC to another via BASH!
fridayfun Friday Fun - Custom OBS Controller Use OBS and need fast access to change a scene, start a recording or mute a mic? Then Keybow may be just what you need!
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - Simple Button Detection A button can do anything that you want, you just need to tell it what to do!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - ngrok ngrok, is something that you may find useful to expose a development server across the Internet via a secure tunnel. Handy!
fridayfun Friday Fun - SMS Controlled Neopixels SMS is the most available method of communication, it works across the world on every level of network. So why don't we use it to control some Neopixels connected to a Raspberry Pi? Using Node-RED and Nexmo we can do it!!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Nexmo API and Python Want to learn how to send an SMS via Python and node-RED? Well there is an API for that!
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - Adafruit FT232H - CircuitPython Need a few GPIO pins on your big stonking powerful PC? Then you need this.
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Mirabox USB3 HDMI Capture Device An HDMI 1080p 60fps video capture device that works with Linux, Mac and Windows? Surely the thing of fantasy?!
circuitpython Microcontroller Monday - Serpente It looks like an ATTINY85 but no, this is a lot more board for your money. Oh and it runs CircuitPython
arduino Reading an NFC tag with a Linksprite NFC Shield v1.0 A long time ago, national electronics store Maplin closed down. I got quite a bit of gear, cheap! And I've finally got the NFC reader and stickers to work with Arduino!
microbit Pulsing LED with micro:bit Pulse an LED just like the eye of a Terminator...just don't call it Skynet
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday: Cheap Desoldering Pump Need something to desolder lots of components? Don't fancy holding a soldering iron AND a desoldering pump? Don't want to spend lots of money? I got ya!
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - Control an L298N motor controller with micro:bit How would you like to control a motor using a micro:bit? Well here is a quick guide to get you started.
lifehacks GCSE Results - Choose Your Own Adventure GCSE results day! But what if you didn't get what you wanted?
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday - Mega 2560 Pro Need an Arduino Mega, but can't sacrifice the space? Well here is a board that gives us all the pins, but at less than half the size!
microcontroller monday Microcontroller Monday - 4Tronix BIT:170 Breadboarding with a micro:bit just got a little easier
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday: Search Wikipedia with Python! Search Wikipedia from Python! Read a randomly suggested page, or search for anything you want!
tuesdaytooling Tooling Tuesday: wttr Get the weather direct to your terminal! Who needs a pretty GUI when we have the command line!